NESTLE LACTOGROW 3 (1 to 3 years) 300 g


LACTOGROW 3 is scientifically formulated with probiotic cultures, L. reuteri  DSM 17938.

L. reuteri  helps to improve the child’s digestive system resulting in a happy tummy and promote nutrients absorption.

A happy tummy allows a child to go about learning and absorbing from the world happily.

Availability: 1 in stock

Developed by our globally acclaimed R&D, Lactogrow is a unique growing-up milk formula fortified with probiotics, including L.Comfortis (a Lactobacillus culture that is a friendly bacteria), vitamins and minerals to stimulate a healthy gut flora, tummy comfort, visual and growth development.

Whilst our popular infant nutrition range presently caters to children from birth to the age of two. Lactogrow supports continuing nutrition for children beyond the age of two right up till five years.

Infant gut microbiota can have certain deviations which could have a negative impact on a child’s health. Many healthcare providers recommend optimised probiotic strains in a baby’s diet to strengthen a baby’s immune system and gut (tummy) health. Probiotics are a type of “good” bacteria. Which aids intestinal and digestive functions and helps maintain a stronger, resilient immune system.

Fortified with probiotics, Lactogrow’s product tag aptly proclaims “Happy Kids Discover More”, where we know that ‘a happy tummy’ can make all in the difference in ensuring the happy wellbeing and health of a child.

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